Welllllllll.... the weaker one of the two kits died this afternoon. :( Such a bummer. The remaining one looks a tad bit more hopeful. We'll see if he pulls through or not.
I usually don't have much trouble like this, so it's discouraging when it does happen. But this is all part of that learning process, and boy, am I learning!
I talked to my very knowledgeable breeder friend to see what she thought - why I have gotten weird stuff out of my Haylie X Mickey cross these 2 times - and she thinks it's a issue with some lines in there with the two of them that aren't meshing well, thus the max factor kit. So, that is good to know and I won't be crossing Mickey and Haylie any more. :( Put simply, they just aren't a good "match". So.... next time around we'll try her with Vinson. Meanwhile, I'm hoping this little kit will pull through... fingers still crossed.
Oh, I hope he makes it! Keep us updated, like you have done so well =)
Thanks Bethany! Will do.
Hang in there Emily! Sending you lots of positive thoughts and encouragement this morning.
Thanks so much, Tamie!
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