Sunday, July 8, 2012

They Couldn't Be Cuter....

Chocolate Chip's five lil' babies are about 2 weeks old and drop-dead-adorable.  I LOVE this age!  And I'm making a guess at 4 DOES 1 buck!  I sure hope I'm right.  They are still kind of young, though. But 4 does... that would be great!  :-)

Could anything be cuter than this!?!

All five, lined up like they are perfect posers.  They aren't.  That is the runt second from the left.  Not a peanut, just a runt and doing great!  :-)  <3

Yes, not always perfect posers.


The runt... you can see she's a big smaller than her sister above, and has less fur, but is doing really, really well.

The sport... my goodness, this little girls is SO adorable. Love sports!  <3

Hiding in the corner.  Camera shy!

Grumpy face. <3

Doens't he have the cutest head?

He's like me.... always closes his eyes when you take the picture. LOL


Becca said...

Those baby rabbits are so cute.

God bless.

The Beckers said...

Hey Emily! They are sooooo cute!!! I hope you have 4 does, that would be great!!!!
