Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cute, cute, CUTE babies!!!

 Oh-my-goodness, I had WAY too much fun taking Christmas photos of Bella's babies!  They are absolutely WAY TOO CUTE!!!  =) 
Enjoy...  :)

(I love this one.....)

And Haylie's babies are doing amazing.  I am sooooo happy with Haylie, she is an excellent mom and all five of her babies are plump, happy and warm.  :)  They are an extremely lively little bunch, they just squeak and bounce all over in there when I pull back the fur to peek at them.  And then when I put the fur back it bounces up and down...  :)  Pretty funny.  :) 

I am absolutely LOVING having babies around again... it's soooooo fun.  :)


The Kings said...

They are SO Adorable Emily!!! I LOVE the pics.:-D They look like promising show babies to me.;-)

Emily said...

*SMILE* Thanks!!! :)

October Grace said...

You're right...they are too cute!!! Love the way you posed them in the teacups:o)

Nadine said...

Ohh Emmy.... these pictures are so precious! love them!!

Emily said...

Awww, thanks Aunty! :)

Emily said...

Thanks, Shelia. :) It was super fun taking pictures of them in the tea cup! :) And BTW, I have tried commenting on your blog but for some reason it hasn't let me.... weird! I'll have to try again. :)